Anders-sensei Graded to Rokudan (6 dan)

Anders-sensei receives the inkajō (certificate) for 6th dan from Onishi-sensei.

Anders-sensei receives the inkajō (certificate) for 6th dan from Onishi-sensei.

Our branch’s shibu-chō, Anders Pettersson-sensei is currently in Japan, and on Friday the 22nd of February he graded to rokudan (6 dan).

Anders is the first Swedish person obtain this high degree. The grading test was held at hombu (headquarters), that is located in Tadotsu in Japan, and the examiners were Onishi-sensei and Kawashima-sensei. Anders did the grading test together with his friend since many years John McCulloch, who is shibu-chō in Toronto, Canada.

At the same time they also obtained status as 1 kyū kōshi-in (1st class examiner).

From left: Suzuki-sensei, Kawashima-sensei, John McCulloch-sensei, Anders Pettersson-sensei & Onishi-sensei when Anders & John received their inkajō for 6th dan.

From left: Suzuki-sensei, Kawashima-sensei, John McCulloch-sensei, Anders Pettersson-sensei & Onishi-sensei when Anders & John received their inkajō for 6th dan.

There is also a report about this on the WSKO home page.


2 thoughts on “Anders-sensei Graded to Rokudan (6 dan)

  1. Anders Pettersson

    Hi Tony

    Thank you.
    If you let me know the errors in the text I can fix them. Although I am not as extreme as you when it comes to language, I do want it to be as correct as possible. 😉
    (and none of the people that help out to administrate this page has English as their first language)
    You could either email me (address is my first name and you can probably figure out what domain name) or send it through the contact form on this site.



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