The text that is read during chinkon gyō is called Dōkun. It consists of Seiku [聖句] (meditation), Seigan [誓願] (oath), Dōkun [道訓] (teaching of the way) and Shinjō [信条] (creed). (In Japanese Dōin one also read a section that is called Raihaishi, in that case these text are collectively referred to as Kyōten [教典].) Below is a short explanation of these texts, as well as the official English version of them. At the bottom those that are interested can also find the original in Japanese, both in romaji (our alphabet) and with kanji/hiragana.
About Seiku
This text is from the Dhammapada (verses 160 & 165), which is one of the central texts in Zen Buddhism. Seiku explains the importance of examining the self, to striving to discover the possibilities within the self, and of aiming to cultivate the self.
About Seigan
Seigan expresses the mental attitudes to be applied in pursuing Shorinji Kempo, and the conviction to apply to the training. It explains the sort of resolve with which to strive when learning Shorinji Kempo.
About Dōkun
Dōkun explain how the human should act. It expresses in a concrete way what actions we as humans should do. [Concrete details for actions (living basics for kenshi).]
(This part is not translated in the English Shorinji Kempo Tokuhon [only in the Kongo Zen Tokuhon] and because of this not read that often in dōjō outside of Japan.
About Shinjō
We reflect on the state of our own hearts and actions. and we renew our determination to put Shorinji Kempo into practice in our daily lives. [Outline of actual practice (norm for action).]
Here is the official English version of Dōkun.
Within self, my self finds recourse. Neglect my self, and to whom could I turn. Self is disciplined from within, the true and hard earned recourse.
In doing evil, I contaminate myself. In not doing evil, I am pure. Purity and impurity come from within, and others cannot purify my heart.
In attaining this Art, we pledge to affirm the founders, to be honest with our teachers, to respect those ahead of us, to not disdain those behind us, to give as well as receive help, to cooperate, and to give ourselves to contributing to the Way.
We resolve to settle with our pasts and practice with purely focused hearts as if we were newly born into this world.
We pledge to train in this Art only to help people, never for personal reputation or profit.
The path arises out of the heavens as the common ground on which all people can rely.
Therefore those who gain this path should go forth on it, and should uphold it; to lose this path is immediately to lose one’s bearings, so one should not depart from the path even for a moment.
Given life in this world, one honors the human path by fulfilling it, and when soundly on the path of humanity one can stand and unite the glories of the heavens and the earth.
But if one exists yet does not contribute a full measure of magnanimity, justice, loyalty, filial duty, and decorum, then although the body may be alive the heart is already dead, and this we should regard as stealing life.
In essence, the human spirit is divine, the divine is the spirit; if there is no departure from the heart then there is no departure from the divine. Thus every motion and every stillness is witnessed by the divine, consequences attend every action, and nothing, not even a speck of hair, goes unaccounted.
Therefore when we revere heaven and earth, respect the divine, honor ancestors, act dutifully to parents, obey the law, esteem teachers, love brothers and sisters, trust friends, bond as relatives, unite as neighbors, live in harmony as husbands and wives, support people in hardship, rescue people in emergencies, spread this teaching and lead others, follow the path with focused hearts, correct our excesses and refresh ourselves, and, ceasing our malign thoughts, perform all our good acts with faithful hearts, then though others may not notice, the divine knows immediately, and we stand to gain increased happiness, longer life, benefits to our descendants, decreased illness, and averted misfortune, each of these a blessing of Dharma.
Mindful that our spirits come from Dharma and our bodies from our parents, we acknowledge our debts and express our gratitude by applying ourselves to the full.
We resolve to love these communities and these people, and through them to contribute to world peace and happiness.
We resolve to become men and women of true courage, who love justice, respect humanity, act with decorum and defend peace.
We strive toward constructing an ideal world by mastering the principles of this Art, strengthening ourselves mentally and physically, and sharing this purpose with others in mutual friendship, respect, and support.
For those that are interested here is also the English version of the Raihaishi.
Humbly, we revere Dharma, the great and profound power of all space and time. Entangled in afflictions since time immemorial, we humbly and thoroughly repent our every transgression and failing. In these bodies for this life, and for future beyond, we devote ourselves to Buddha, Law and the Fellowship, and we seek to live by the profound teaching. We pray to be granted sound guidance and blesings.
In devotion to Dharma
Japanese Version
Below we also have the Japanese version, both in kanji/kana and in romaji (our alphabet). Here it is the “Kyōten” including the Raihaishi.
教典 (kyōten)
●聖句 (seiku)
onore koso onore no yorube, onore wo okite dare ni yorubezo, yoku totonoeshi onore koso, makoto egataki yorube nari.
mizukara aku wo nasaba mizukara kegare, mizukara aku wo nasazareba mizukara ga kiyoshi, kiyoki mo kyokarazaru mo mizukara no koto nari, ta no mono ni yorite kiyomuru koto wo ezu.
● 誓願 (seigan)
一、 我等此の法を修めるに当り、祖を滅せず師を欺かず、長上を敬い、後輩を侮らず、同志互いに親しみ合い援け合い、協力して道の為につくすことを誓う。
一、 我等一切の既往を清算し、初生の赤子として、真純単一に此の法修行に専念す。
一、 此の法は、済生利人の為に修行し、決して自己の名利の為になすことなし。
hitotsu, warera kono hō wo osameru ni atari, so wo messezu shi wo azamukazu, chōjō wo uyamai, kōhai wo anadorazu, dōshi tagai ni shitashimi ai tasuke ai, kyōryoku shite michi no tame ni tsukusu koto wo chikau.
hitotsu, warera issai no kiō wo seisan shi, shosei no sekishi to shite, shinjun tan’itsu ni kono hō shugyō ni sennen su.
hitotsu, kono hō wa, saisei rijin no tame ni shugyō shi, kesshite jiko no meiri no tame ni nasu koto nashi.
● 礼拝詞 (raihaishi)
謹みて天地久遠の大みちから、ダーマを礼拝し奉る。我等、無始よりこのかた、煩悩にまつわりて造りたる、もろもろの罪とがを、悉く懺悔し奉る。 我等、この身今生より未来に至るまで、深く三宝に帰依し、み教えに従い奉る。 願わくば良き導きと加護を垂れさせ給え。
tsutsushimite, tenchi kuon no oomichikara, dharma wo raihai shi tatematsuru. warera mushi yori kono kata. bonnō ni matsuwarite tsukuritaru, moromoro no tsumi toga wo, kotogotoku zange shi tatematsuru. warera konomi konjo yori miiai ffi itaru made, fukaku sampo ni kie shi, mioshie ni shitagai tatematsuru. negawakuba yoki michibiki to kago o tare sasetamae.
namu dharma
● 道訓 (dōkun)
その道を得れば、以て進むべく、以て守るべく、その道を失すれば、即ち迷離す、故に道は、須叟も離るべか らずと、いう所以なり、
人生れて世にある時、人道を尽すを貴ぶ、まさに人道に於て、はずる処なくんば、天地の間に立つべし、若し人あり、仁、義、忠、孝、 礼、の事を尽さざれば、身世に在りと雖も、心は既に死せるなり、生を偸むものとゆうべし、凡そ人心は、即ち神なり仏なり、神仏即ち霊なり、心にはずる処な くば、神仏にもはずる処なし、故に一動一静、総て神仏の監察する処、報応昭々として、毫厘も赦さざるなり、故に天地を敬い、神仏に礼し、祖先を奉じ、双親 に孝に、国法を守り、師を重んじ、兄弟を愛し、朋友を信じ、宗族相睦み、郷党相結び、夫婦相和し、人の難を救い、急を援け、訓を垂れて人を導き、心を至し て道に向い、過を改めて自ら新にし、悪念を断ちて、一切の善事、を信心に奉行すれば、人見ずと雖も、神仏既に早く知りて、福を加え、寿を増し、子孫を益 し、病い減り、過患侵さず、ダーマの加護を得られるべし。
michi wa ten yori shōji, hito no tomoni yoru tokoro to surumono nari,
sono michi wo ureba, motte susumu beku, motte mamoru beku, sono michi wo shissureba, sunawachi meiri su, yue ni michi wa, suyu mo hanaru bekarazu to, iu yuen nari,
hito umarete yo ni aru toki, jindō wo tsukusu wo tōtobu, masa ni jindō ni oite, hazuru tokoro nakumba, ten chi no kan ni tatsu beshi,
moshi hito ari, jin, gi, chuu, kō, rei no koto wo tsukusazareba, mi yo ni ari to iedomo, kokoro wa sude ni shiseru nari, sei wo nusumu mono to yuu beshi,
oyoso jinshin wa, sunawachi kami nari hotoke nari, shin butsu sunawachi rei nari, kokoro ni hazuru tokoro nakuba, shin butsu nimo hazuru tokoro nashi, yue ni ichidō issei, subete shinbutsu no kansatsu suru tokoro, hō ō shō shō toshite, gōrin mo yurusazaru nari,
yue ni tenchi wo uyamai, shin butsu ni reishi, sosen wo hōji, sōshin ni kō ni, kokuhō wo mamori, shi wo omonji, kyōdai wo aishi, hōyuu wo shinji, sōzoku ai mutsubi, kyoto ai musubi, fuufu ai wa shi, hito no nan wo sukui, kyuu wo tasuke, oshie wo tarete hito wo michibiki, kokoro wo itashite michi ni mukai, ka wo aratamete mizukara arata ni shi, akunen wo tachite, issai no zenji wo shinjin ni bugyō sureba,
hito mizu to iedomo, shin butsu sude ni hayaku shinite, fuku wo kuwae, ju wo mashi, shison wo eki shi, yamai heri, kakan okasazu, daama no kago wo erareru beshi.
● 信条 (shinjō)
一、 我等は、魂をダーマよりうけ、身体を父母よりうけたる事を感謝し、報恩の誠をつくさんことを期す。
一、 我等は、愛民愛郷の精神に則り、世界の平和と福祉に貢献せんことを期す。
一、 我等は、正義を愛し、人道を重んじ、礼儀を正し、平和を守る真の勇者たることを期す。
一、 我等は、法を修め、身心を練磨し、同志相親しみ、相援け、相譲り、協力一致して理想境建設に邁進す。
hitotsu, warera wa tamashii wo dharma yori uke, shintai wo fubo yori uketaru koto wo kansha shi, hō‘on no makoto wo tsukusan koto wo kisu.
hitotsu, warera wa aimin aikyō no seishin ni nottori, sekai no heiwa to fukushi ni kōken sen koto wo kisu.
hitotsu, warera wa seigi wo aishi, jindo wo omonji, reigi wo tadashi, heiwa wo mamoru shin no yūsha taru koto o kisu.
hitotsu, warera wa, hō wo osame, shinshin wo remma shi, dōshi ai shitashimi, ai tasuke, ai yuzuri, kyōryoku icchi shite risōkyō kensetsu ni maishin su.