Under helgen den 9-10 februari fick vi återigen besök från Harrow Shibu. Steve Williams samt fyra till kenshi från England hälsade på och vi ordnade en liten gasshuku (träningsläger). Britterna anlände med flyg till Arlanda, tog en hyrbil till Karlstad och kom fram på fredag eftermiddag. Fredagskvällen blev det pizza och Shorinji Kempo-video hemma hos Anders.
Vi körde träning från kl. 10.00 till 16.30 både på lördag och söndag. Förutom medlemmarna från Harrow och från vår egen förening så var det även fyra medlemmar från Skövde Shibu som var med. på söndagen hade vi även äran att ha med två medlemmar från Karlstads Studenter Shibu med Åke Olsson-sensei i spetsen.
Nedan är lite bilder och lite kommentarer från några deltagare.
Piyush Naidu
Thanks to all Swedish kenshi who helped to make a very enjoyable and beneficial weekend. We were fortunate to receive a lot of technical instruction about a variety of techniques.
For me this made many techniques clearer and I felt I was able to execute them with more control and better effect. Consequently I have realised the importance of control throughout the entire technique. Something which I need to build on.
Aside from the training I had a fun and enjoyable time. We were treated well and made to feel welcome. I would encourage all kenshi to visit Karlstad and to train there if they have the opportunity.
Peter Thorvald
Det har blivit en tradition för mig att besöka Karlstad i februari när de brittiska kenshi besöker Sverige, en tradition som jag värdesätter mycket högt. Inte bara för stor möjlighet för kvalificerad träning, men också för möjligheten att träffa andra kenshi och bygga vidare på den goda relation som redan finns mellan våra förbund. Helgen inkluderade både utmärkt träning och trevligt socialt umgänge med mat och dryck bland vänner. Räkna med att jag är med även nästa år också!
Paul Browne
Attending the Karlstad gasshuku has been a brilliant start to 2013 for me. I was able to receive excellent instruction, renew old friendships and make new ones through a combination of serious training, shared laughter and fun. I look forward to maintaining the relationships built through future training opportunities made possible by our shared passion for Shorinji Kempo, and would like to thank Anders-sensei and the kenshi of Karlstad for making it such an enjoyable event.
James Maddocks
I had a really great time in visiting the Karlstad Shorinji Kempo branch in Sweden. Flying in to Stockholm from the UK rain on an early morning flight it was great to see snow. Yes, it was cold (ish) but it never hit the -15 we expected and the warm welcome we received more than made up for it (I believe beer was involved). It was great to have the opportunity to have two full days training with the senior sensei of the Swedish Federation and their kenshi, make snow angels and walk on a mostly frozen lake. Saturday night gave us the chance to socialise over a beer at the ‘all you can eat’ BBQ restaurant until the small hours, nice to see that members of both the UK and Swedish took the ‘all you can eat’ as a literal challenge (I believe Graham won). It was also great that many kenshi from the surrounding area came to train with us giving a wonderful atmosphere in the dojo and the chance to train lots of different people each day; a thoroughly enjoyable experience. As an added bonus we were able to finish each day in the sauna, this is something we would definitely like to bring back in the UK.
I might not be able to use chop sticks as well as the rest of you but a little time and practise I’ll soon be able to eat as fast (maybe!), bit like Shorinji Kempo when you think about it….
Graham Cooper
5 people from England attended the Swedish weekend in Karlstad. A warm welcome helps to avert the cold -6 temperature. All the kenshi gave their time generously to help the weekend be both fun and educational , it is always good to get some of those strong arms to bend and find a different way to apply the techniques.
Thanks to Anders sensei and all that gave their time and effort to give a good experience.
Här är även lite fler bilder från Harrows Facebook-sida: Harrow Branch visit to Karlstad Branch February 2013