Första info om EM i Monaco

En första information från Aosaka-sensei om EM i Monaco.

Dear Shorinji kenshi, dear country representatives,
As Head of the WSKO’s European Office, and following deliberations with WSKO President Ms. Yuki So, I am honored to announce the dates and location of the next European Taikai: it will be held from June 3to 5, 2011 in Monaco, at the Stade Louis II, 3 avenue des Castelans.

I would like to encourage you to submit your ideas for this event. Randori will be presented as demonstrations only, as competitive randori diverges from the ideals of Shorinji Kempo.
Embu competition categories will be as follow:
kyukenshi men, yudansha 1st and 2nd dan men, 3rd dan and above men, kyukenshi women, yudansha women. Each country will be asked, if possible, to present a demonstration team. Please address your suggestions to me, in order for me to take them into consideration.
Monaco is a beautiful country synonymous with charm, elegance, and luxury: an ideal location for a first-class Taikai. Its high standard of living will unfortunately affect the price for the 3 days of our reunion, which should be around 430 to 450€. Shortly, in May, my assistant Mr. Frank Baldet will communicate further details concerning prices, the program, as well as booking procedures. Thank you all for joining me in order to make this European Taikai a complete success!
I would like to bring to your attention that this Taikai is particularly important for the WSKO as the headquarters of the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF), a non-olympic organization which WSKO President Ms. Yuki So, WSKO Chief Instructor and Board Chairman Arai Sensei, and myself, are considering joining, are located in Monaco. I am therefore counting on your enthusiastic cooperation!
I would like to thank all kenshi in advance for their committment as well as their assistance to the WSKO.
I wish you all the best and am looking forward to hearing from you!

Aosaka Sensei

Website: http://taikai2011.monacosk.com/

2 tankar kring ”Första info om EM i Monaco

  1. Henrik Persson

    Gillar mest att priset kommer att ligga på 430-450 €. 4500 kr exklusive resan, någon som är sugen på att åka??


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